Zekula Day: Leader of Bissas calls for unity

Bissa Lemagan Dominic Sori Payida is the live Patron of the BDA

The Bissa Lemagan Dominic Sori Payida has,  on the occasion of Zekula Day, has called on the  fraternity to pursue “the set Bissa Goals with the usual vigour and tenacity” amid the Covid 19 challenges.

April 3rd this year, marks the day for the Zekula (Unity) festival, which is annually held at the Upper East regional town of Kulungungu.

But for the second time running, the gigantic event could not be celebrated due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Delivering a touching Zekula Day message on Saturday, the Lemagan  reflected on how a year that has kept people apart, has also preventing people “from having a physical meeting”.

“I bring you greetings and felicitations on this special day. Unfortunately, this year, like last year, Covi-19 is preventing us from having a physical meeting,” he said.

“However, it must not prevent us from pursuing the set Bissa Goals with the usual vigour and tenacity.

“We must remain resolute and united ; we must continue to be our brother’s keeper; we must be innovative and resourceful; we must be inter-personally discretional and respectful and above all, we must love ourselves dispassionately.

“These are values and attributes we cannot do without in the process of achieving growth and development for our people. We must never lose sight of our set objectives.”

He praised the newly constituted executives of the Bissa Development Association(BDA), while morning the demise of  Hajia Damata, whom he described as “active and hard working member”.

The “irreplaceable” Hajia Damata died in January this year to the shock of the entire Bissa fraternity.

“Hajia Damata is greatly missed in our midst and we continue to pray for her peaceful rest in the bosom of The Good Lord, the Lemagan said.

“She is simply irreplaceable, but the Lord knows best”.

The Zekula festival, since its inception has been one of the biggest events in the country.

In 2020 and 2021 the event could not be held due to Covid-19 restrictions.

The Lemagan took the opportunity to remind Bissas about the threats of the virus, urging Bissas and all Ghanaians to observe the protocols.

“Finally, we are living in hard times. Covid is real and devastating,” he said.

“Please let our people know this and let them keep to the Protocols at all times; also vaccinations are good and not harmful and they should take it when it is available.”

Below is the full statement 

Today is a special day! It is our Zekula Day. As the Lemagan of Bissa woo, I bring you greetings and felicitations on this special day. Unfortunately, this year, like last year, Covi-19 is preventing us from having a physical meeting. However, it must not prevent us from pursuing the set Bissa Goals with the usual vigour and tenacity. We must remain resolute and united ; we must continue to be our brother’s keeper; we must be innovative and resourceful; we must be inter-personally discretional and respectful and above all, we must love ourselves dispassionately. These are values and attributes we cannot do without in the process of achieving growth and development for our people. We must never lose sight of our set objectives. We have a new National Executive who, from day one, are walking the talk with dexterity. They have my unreserved congratulations and encouragement. I will also like to make a fervent appeal to all and sundry to afford them the necessary and appropriate cooperation and assistance at all times; everyone’s contribution is important for the Bissa Cause and will also facilitate the effective operations of the National Executive. Please, please let everyone get on board for our cause.

In the last few months, we lost an active and hard working member of the Lemagan Elders Group. Hajia Damata is greatly missed in our midst and we continue to pray for her peaceful rest in the bosom of The Good Lord. She is simply irreplaceable, but the Lord knows best.

Finally, we are living in hard times. Covid is real and devastating. Please let our people know this and let them keep to the Protocols at all times; also vaccinations are good and not harmful and they should take it when it is available.

We pray for The Good Lord’s guidance and protection for all in the years ahead. My salutations and regards to BISSA WOO in Ghana and beyond. Thank you and do continue to relish ZEKULA, the special day of Bissa Woo.


  1. I salute and celebrate all our Bissa leaders on the occasion of such a great day for the Bissa community. ZEGULA NPANGA! GOD CONTINUE TO BLESS ALL BISSA AND MAKE US STRONGER. AAMEN….


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