Venue for the coronation of New Bortianor/ New Weija Bissa Chief changed to the Ali Dabre Palace


The Ali Dabre Palace in Accra will now host the coronation of the new New Bortianor/ New Weija Chief in a latest announcements made by the Greater Accra Council of Bissa Chief.

The Ayigbe Town junction at Bortiano was earlier slated for the investiture of Chief  Suallah Saeed Ali, whose leadership mantle has the full backing of the Council.

But in a bid to give it a complete Bissa outlook, the Palace has announced to take charge of the all important program on Saturday 22nd May.

The affable Sare man grabs an additional leadership mantle following an unblemished service, making the man for the people.

He was named as the Bissa Chief months ago but 22nd May 2021,  will mark his formal investiture with regal power, becoming the first Bissa Chief for the community.

The colourful event to be held under the auspices of the Ali Dabre Palace, will also have former minister Dr Mustapha Ahmed as the Guest of Honour.

It comes at a time the Bissa fraternity is in a mission to build strong institutions to spur its “Zekula” agenda to the higher heights.

Chief Suallah Sare is a business mogul with exceptional leadership traits.

He is already the position as  “Sandaona” of the the Bortianor Zongo Community and looks poised to assume  more leadership duties to the benefit of society.

After Saturday, he will be conferred with the “Kir” title and will become one of the youthful Bissas to hold sway  in the Greater Accra Suburb .

The ceremony  will see the display of the beautiful Bissa culture as family and friends are expected to make  glamorous appearances at the event to add more colour to the event.

The day is expected to attract a huge presence of people, with many  traveling from far and near to witness the inauguration of a new  leader for Bissas, making it a packed event for Bissas and their neighbours.

 His assumption to the seat of leadership in New Bortianor will make him a new central player in the steps to expand the influence of the Bissa fraternity across the country.


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