Techiman to launch BDA Zone on October 27

Cultural activities planned as association expands its regional presence


Techiman, a city boasting a significant Bissa community, is poised to officially launch its Bissa Development Association (BDA) zone after years of building a substantial membership base.

The upcoming launch follows a series of visits by the national BDA to Techiman, during which the association conducted sensitisation efforts to educate the local Bissa community about strengthening the BDA at grassroots and regional levels.

The launch event, featuring cultural activities, marks a crucial step in the association’s expansion and community engagement efforts.

BDA Abdul Malik, the Deputy Secretary, had visited Techiman last year as part of the sensitization efforts.

The establishment of regional and zonal chapters is part of the broader reorganisation agenda set by the Gutare Zanni administration.

According to BDA’s strategic goals, a community qualifies for zonal status if it can register a minimum of 25 members as part of its decentralisation processes, aimed at uniting and strengthening the association across various regions.

However, Techiman’s membership significantly surpasses this threshold, underscoring the strong presence and engagement of the Bissa community in the area.

It has long been recognised for its substantial Bissa population, which has played a crucial role in Bissa affairs and contributed significantly to the development of the fraternity in various ways.

The official launch of the BDA zone in Techiman will formalise its status within the association’s structure, enhancing coordination of development efforts, preserving Bissa culture, and fostering unity among community members.

Notably, the new Techiman BDA zone will be considered part of the Bono Ahafo region within the association’s framework.

This alignment reflects the BDA’s decision to maintain the old regional demarcation of Ghana rather than adopting the country’s more recent administrative divisions.

Having the Techiman Zone is a big step in BDA’s plan to create a stronger network of Bissa communities across Ghana.

As preparations for the launch continue, community members and BDA officials alike are anticipating a vibrant celebration that will showcase Bissa culture and traditions while highlighting the association’s commitment to progress and development.


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