See some 25 selected pictures of Chirr Tanko Yamboni’s 45th Anniversary in leadership


On May 28, Ashanti Regional Bissa Chief Chirr Osman Salifu Tanko Yemboni celebrated his 45th anniversary since ascending to the seat of leadership.

A colorful event held at his NZ1 Palace had many people from far and near join to mark the sapphire.

The day also saw the installation of some new subchiefs to help strengthen the Bissa leadership in the region, while some hardworking personalities received Awards from the Palace.

Chirr Tanko Yamboni (R) and Kir Mohamed Dabre III, the President of the Greater Accra Bissa Chiefs
Coach Ibrahim Tanko (L), son of Chirr Tanko Yamboni presenting award to one of the hardworking Bissas in the Ashanti region Zakaria Yambah
Former Minister of Sports and former MP for Ayswaso North Bala Naa Dr Musapha Ahmed presents award to one of the awadees
The GFA President Kurt E.S Okraku (R) was there to join the celebration
Bissa Chief of Madina, Accra was among the entourage that travelled from Accra to join the celebration
CEO of Division One side New Edubiase United presents award to an awardee
Bissa Chief of New Bortianor/New Weija Kir Suallah Saeed Sare also made it to the event
Chir Tanko Yamboni
Alhaj Salam Zaiba (Middle), the NDC Zongo Caucus Coordinator for US Chapter, travelled from the states to join the celebration. On his right is one of the sub chiefs installed on the day

Story by Abdul Malik Gueni

follow the writer on Twitter/instagram and Tiktok @malikalmaestro

Photo Credit:NZ1 Palace


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