Kir Ahmed Dabre: Obuasi Bissa chief to be coronated on 7th November

Chief Ahmed Dabre

The Bissa Community in the Ashanti Regional town of Obuasi will on the 7th November be blessed with installation of a new Chief in the person of Kir Ahmed Issah Dabre.

Kir Ahmed Issah Dabre together with his appointed elders will go through formal investiture to begin a new era of leadership to the Bissa people in the mining town.

The event involves the coronation of a chief, a Queen mother and Youth leader, and will later be supported by other Leadership.

It comes four months after accepting the responsibility to lead the Bissa people of the town.

November 7th will mark his formal investiture with regal power, becoming the successor of the late kir who died in March.


The event involves the coronation of a chief, Queen Mother and Youth Chief.

The ceremony to be held at the Zongo Playing Ground will see the display of the beautiful Bissa culture to add more colour to the event

It is expected to attract a huge presence of people, with many  traveling from far and near to witness the inauguration of new set of leaders for Bissas.

Bissa Youth Association of Oboasi

The day will be used to launch the Bissa Youth Development Association for the town.

Obuasi is a mining town in the Ashanti Region but with a large number of Bissas, who have lived and worked there for decades.

An astute business man, a husband of one and a father of three, kir Issah Dabre comes in with a new paradigm as the Bissa tribe extends their influence and contribution to development of the country.

Profile below

Kir Ahmed Issah Dabre

Kir Ahmed Issah Dabre

Mr. Ahmed Issah Dabre  was born on 12/02 /1969 at obuasi. His parents were Mr. Mohammed Busanga Dabre and Mrs. Zeinab Musah. A 3rd out of six siblings.

At the tender age of 6 years, he was enrolled at the salvation primary school at Obuasi in Ashanti in 1976 and completed in 1986 where he sat for middle school  certificate which was also referred to as the standard seven certificate. Because of his interest in education, Ahmed proceeded to then commercial school, Obuasi Business school for his secondary education. But he dropped out of school due to financial problem in the third year. He got an employment at Ashanti Golfieds limited [ A. G. C] in Obuasi as a machine operator in 1989. He worked for 14 years and resigned from the company and traveled  abroad [ south Korea ].

He stayed in South Korea for 6 years and finally returned to Ghana in 2009. He is married to Madam Nafisah Issah and has three children who are at their various stages of their education. Their names are:
1. Maridia Ahmed
2. Abdul Karim Ahmad
3. Samira Ahmed

Adiza Yakubu Dabre – Lubanno Lemagan

Adiza yakubu

Mrs. Adiza yakubu was born on 04/04 /1956 at obuasi. Her parents were Mr. Yakubu Dabre and Mrs. Zeinabu Tawere 1st born out of 5 siblings. At the tender age of 6years, she was enrolled at the Presbyterian primary school at Obuasi in Ashanti Region .She has been working as a trader then.She was married to the late mr Issaka Kasim who she share five children with and who are at their various stages of their education. Their names are:
1. Abdul Razak Issaka
2. Masawudu Issaka
3. Rukaya. Issaka
4. Zariatu issaka
5. Zuwaira issaka

Adam Zakari Zampu – Youth Chief

Adam Zakari Zampu

Mr Adam Zakari was born on the 06/09/76 at their hometown named Namaasim.

He started his education at Namaasim L/A primary school unfortunately he did not make it so at the age of 20,

He moved to Obuasi to do small scale mining also known as (galamsay)

He has been able mobilse the Bissa people in Obuasi.

Adam Zakari was a great leader of Towobo with a successful youth with the help of his wives and family, in fact he was a hero for them.

Mr Adam is having two wives with eight children

He has become a mentor to the Youth of Obuasi, working hard for Zekula purposes.



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