Imam Hassan Nombre expresses gratitude to the public for honouring Maulid celebration


In a heartwarming display of appreciation, Imam Hassan Osmanu Nombre, the esteemed leader of Zawiyatul Adwaaul Faid, who doubles as the head Imam for Bissas in the Greater Accra Region, has expressed deep gratitude to the public for honouring his invitation to attend the Maulid programme that he organised.

It comes just 24 hours after successfully holding the annual celebration of the birth of Prophet Mohammed at Alajo Polo Junction, where thousands participated.

The event, held on Friday night, was met with overwhelming support from the community.

Imam Hassan took the opportunity to express his heartfelt gratitude to Bissas and the general public for their unwavering support and participation. In a humble and appreciative tone, he acknowledged the efforts and contributions of the community members who dedicated their time and resources to making the event a success.

“Alhamdulillah!! Alhamdulillah!!!
Zawiyatul Adwaaul Faid Under The Leadership Of Sheikh Imam Hassan Osmanu Alajo wishes to express our profound gratitude for honoring our invitation. This program wouldn’t have been successful without your Love and Support , he said.

“We Are Grateful and Really Appreciate Your Presence

“Allah Ya Maimaita Mana Bijahi Sayidina Rasulullah SwallAllahu Alayhi Wasalam.”

Imam Hassan, known for his gentle demeanour and dedication to fostering unity among the faithful, worked relentlessly with his team to create a memorable and spiritually enriching experience. His aim was to bring people together and promote a sense of love, peace, and reverence for the Prophet.

The programme, held on a day of great significance, saw thousnads coming together to pay tribute to the beloved Prophet as individuals from all walks of life joined hands in respect and admiration.

Imam Hassan’s soul-stirring sermon touched the hearts of attendees, emphasizing the Prophet’s teachings of compassion, tolerance, and unity. His impassioned words resonated deeply within each person present, reinforcing the importance of following the example set by the Prophet for the betterment of society.

Throughout the Maulid programme, participants engaged in prayers, recitations of Quranic verses, and heartfelt chants praising the Prophet. The atmosphere was filled with a profound sense of spirituality and gratitude, as individuals came forward to share their personal experiences of how the Prophet’s teachings had positively impacted their lives.

Imam Hassan emphasised that the success of the Maulid programme was a testament to the strong bond shared between the him and the community.

He commended attandees for their commitment to upholding the values and teachings of Islam, emphasising that their unity was an essential cornerstone of their faith.

He further encouraged the attendees to carry the spirit of the Maulid forward, embracing love, peace, and compassion in their daily lives. By embodying the principles and teachings of the Prophet, he believed that they could create a harmonious and inclusive society, promoting understanding and goodwill among all.


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