Gomoa Fetteh Bissa Palace donates to Zekula@20 celebration

Supporting the crowdfunding efforts to hold a successful 20th anniversary of the iconic Zekula Festival.

Kir Mustapha Lengani is the first ever Bissa Chief of Gomoa Fetteh

The renowned Gomoa Fetteh Bissa Palace has stepped forward as the first palace to contribute to the crowdfunding efforts for the 20th anniversary of the iconic Zekula Festival.

Led by Kir Mustapha Dawuda Lengani, the Central Regional Palace has donated GHS 500 to the official Mobile Money account set aside for the exercise.

It comes after a long list of individuals initiated the move to contribute their widow’s mite for the success of the homecoming event.

Amid the clarion call for unity and togetherness, a donation from a palace, miles away from home, marks a powerful statement about preserving and promoting the rich Bissa cultural heritage.

The iconic Zekula Festival, the pinnacle celebration for the Bissa people, is set to take place on May 4th in the Bissa capital of Kulungungu.

Typically drawing over 10,000 participants from far and wide, the festival promises a vibrant array of traditional music, dance performances, food and drink stalls, and a lively marketplace.

This year marks the festival’s momentous 20th anniversary, making the occasion even more significant.

With a few days to go before the festival day, a concerted effort is vital to making this 20th anniversary truly historic in scale and splendour.

Joining the list of contributors provides a boost to ensure the festivities meet the highest standards befitting such a milestone.

As one of the community’s most esteemed institutions, their donation carries profound symbolic meaning and influence.

It thus firmly stakes its place as a vanguard for preserving the Bissa community’s treasured cultural legacy.

The organisers hope the Gomoa Fetteh Palace’s early support will inspire other major stakeholders, traditional institutions, and businesses to follow their exemplary steps in backing Zekula@20’s crowdfunding drive.

Individuals and institutions willing to donate can do so to Shaibu Musa on mobile money number 0244075654.


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