Bissas put an Imam in New Jersey


Bissas in the US state of New Jersey have installed Sheikh Bashiru Seidu Sewuni as the Chief Imam of the fraternity.

A special inauguration ceremony held on the 12th June formally made the Sewuni man the head of the Bissa Muslims in the North state and will be deputised by Shaikh Dawuda Mohammed Saabik.

It comes after a long period of service to the Muslims fraternity with their in-depth knowledge is  Islamic practices and teachings.

The duo will lead Bissas in all Islamic affairs with an automatic role in the general leadership set up of Bissas in city.

The establishment of the Chief Imam’s office is a feather in the cap of the fraternity and comes as one of the various ways of bringing all Bissas under the ‘Zekula umbrella’.

Their installation came under the auspices of  the Bissa Chief of New Jersey, Kir Ibrahim Adam, and their expected to use their high office to the success of his administration.

There is a huge Bissa presence in the US of which of majority are Muslims, giving  Imams a conventional role in preaching of good morals and religious tolerance for the development of society.



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