Bissa Fitness Club to climax anniversary celebration with Quranic recitation


The Bissa Fitness Club (BFC) will on Sunday 11th October, hold a Quranic recitation to climax it’s one year anniversary celebration, with a call on all Bissas to partake in the prayer-filled event.

It is a week-long event being marked by the keepfit club to ” seek devine guidance and protection”, having successfully survived it’s first year of existence.

The club, besides extending invitation to Bissas, is also appealing to benevolence of the general Bissa Fraternity of their “voluntary contribution” to make the program a successful one, backed with blessings.

The early morning program of October 11, will take place at Kawokudi Park, and it is set to bring together the Imams and Chief of the Bissa fraternity to one venue to pray for the continuous unity among Bissas.

Imam Hassan Nombre

It will be a day of prayer to be led by the Greater Accra Bissa Imam, Hassan Nombre, and will cap off the anniversary celebration that began on Monday, 5th October.

It will also serve as a meet-and-greet session among participants, and will provide the springboard on which the Zekula ties can be consolidated and vaunted.

October tells a unique story in the history of the BFC as the 5th day of the 10th month marks exactly a year since the keep fit club was officially launched.

The October 5th declaration came nine months after the club went through a reformation by which it got legally registered to stand the test of time.

The Club on Monday released an official poster for its one year anniversary

The keepfit club began in February 2018 under the name Bissa keep Fit Club, growing steadily with the support of elders in the Bissa Community.

Having survived some challenges, mambers unanimously came up with a rebranding agenda amid the reformation, resulting in adoption of the name “Bissa Fitness Club Ghana”.

It has gained a formidable traction since, as members count their blessings and naming them one by one.


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