A month today: Chief Ali Dabre III marked a decade of Bissa leadership duty


It is exactly 30 days today when the Bissa fraternity across the country teamed up with the Dabre family to mark the 10th anniversary celebration of Chief Mohammed Ali Dabre III’s coronation.

The 28th of November was a day that brought a lot to cherish as it created a great sign of “Zekula” among Bissas.

The event themed: “Securing peace before, during and after the 2020 election; the role of Zongo Chiefs” as it came just 9 days ahead of Ghana’s Presidential and Parliamentary elections.

The Kawokudi park at the Ayawaso North constituency in Greater Accra was the venue and it’s saw a courful of Bissa culture with a great scene of Bissa women clad in their specially designed anniversary cloth.

Poetries were recited, family appellations reechoed mellifluously and groundnut beads rattled on dancing feets in his honour as men and women in their thousands hailed the debonair lecturer, who came to power in October 2010.

In its Picture of the Month series, Bissanewsonline has compiled some photographs that made the event more colourful.





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