10th April 2004 – The day Bawku / Kulungugu stood still


It was an occasion never seen before and never seen since – it was the day Zekula was born. Over 30 buses and over 70 cars withs 1000s Occupants took over Kulungugu / Pusiga and surrounding areas. The Zugrana, Bawku Naba had this to say among his inaugural speech It is the first time Bissas are making such giant efforts towards building ethnic unity in order to take their rightful place among the various tribes not only in the Bawku Traditional area but in Ghana as a whole. With that speech the Birth Certificate of Zekula was issued. We are grateful to the Architects of that day

16th April 2022 was the 18th Birthday and the question to ask is Have the Bissas actually taken their Rightful Place as indicated by the Bawku Naba?

I don’t know the answer, but I  do not think so

Last Saturday, and for 3 years running, circumstances beyond control denied Kulungugu of its annual Zekula gifts but nonetheless there was something to be proud of, thanks to the proactive BDA NEC. Leveraging on the current wind of Digitization, the NEC launched two CRITICAL SURVIVAL tools – i.e. electronic portals on the day as follows: –
1. Bissa Tutorial portal – this will help arrest the slow death of the Bissa dialect – a tribe without a language is a dead tribe
2. Dues Paying Portal – Dues is the fuel/blood that runs every organisation – an organisation without money is a dead one.

The NEC has done its bit, it is time for the rest of us to exhibit our BISSANESS by making good use of the portals.

The writer Abdul Karim Dubuire Zanni is a founding member of the BDA and a  former NPP Parliamentary Candidate for Pusiga Constituency


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